miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017

#furnishing #lolomorales Amueblamiento Total ǀ FURNISHING ǀ by LOLOMORALES®

Desde 1986 hemos venido experimentando un crecimiento constante en la industria de la del mobiliario fino para el hogar y la oficina.
Desde hace décadas hemos venido introduciendo el concepto del AMUEBLAMIENTO TOTAL o “Furnishing” en casas casas residenciales y mansiones ya sea para particulares o para instituciones en cualquier parte del país. Le fabricamos e instalamos todos los muebles que puedan haber en una casa, ya sean éstos contemporáneos o modernos. Desde la puerta principal, las ventanas francesas, la cocina, islas, alacenas, chaises lounges, el comedor, la mesa coctelera etc…todo en un solo proyecto, al gusto y preferencia de cada dueño de vivienda.
Aquí abajo unas muestras de todo lo que  hemos hecho… Consulte nuestros planes de pago y/o de financiamiento. La calidad de los productos que manufacturamos, usted ya la conoce.

¿Quién es Lolo Morales®?

Mi foto
Managua, Managua, Nicaragua
Dolores Morales González, better known as Lolo Morales, and his wife Marisol Callejas Maltéz created the company Lolo Morales Studio in 1983, a family business specializing in Custom Planned Furnishing Projects. Lolo Morales is the most respected Custom Furniture brand in Nicaragua, with more than 40 years of experience in the sector. The brand shares its knowledge, content, and experience with its customers around the world. At Lolo Morales, we believe that the customer experience in furniture manufacturing meets their needs and exceeds their expectations. Our team of experienced craftsmen and technicians use the best materials and latest technologies to produce beautiful pieces of furniture that fit perfectly into any home or business. At Lolo Morales, we are dedicated to giving our customers the best experience possible. We are proud to have earned a reputation for excellence and look forward to continuing to serve the residents of Nicaragua for many years to come. Visit our main web portal: https://lolomorales.com/